Some Questions in my Mind

While there is a push for my trip, I am now working on the details connection of my journey.  After some research, there are some questions in my mind.

  1. For Catch K3 (by Chinese Railway) through Èrlián (二连) or 019 (by Russian Railway) through Mǎnzhōulǐ (滿洲里)
  2. The details of Visa-free access to Belarus for HKSAR passport holder, which will soon come into effect next week.  That will play an important role in whether I need to divert through Ukraine or not.
  3. The best way to reach Paris from Warsaw.

Hope I can sort it out in this week.  It seems that after adding some date for sightseeing and detour to St Petersburg, it will take me 3 - 4 weeks to reach Aberdeen, UK from Aberdeen, HK.


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