Belarus Connections

As discussed in the last post, my trip from Aberdeen to Aberdeen was almost finalized.  Unfortunately, Murphy's law always applies when something seems nearly complete.
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong...
While Belarus offer HKSAR passport holder with 14 days visa-free access (different from 5-days visa-free access offered before), there had been a report (Ref: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 content in Chinese) that the border control denied the entry if you came from Russia.  While I will still keep monitoring the report, some alternative plans are in my mind.

1. Apply for a Belarus visa.  While there is no embassy in Hong Kong, and I don't have enough time in Beijing, I have to apply it in Moscow.
2. Skip Belarus, and visit Ukraine instead.
3. Re-route through Riga, which makes me not enter Belarus from Russia.


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